Selasa, 05 April 2011


At this time of the Prophet Isa A.S. will be the judges of fair and prudent for all mankind based on shariah Prophet Muhammad. At that time, the Qur'an and other books (such as the hadith and the books of the four schools of fiqh) has been devastated by the Beast and his followers. Finally Prophet Isa A.S. request instructions pleaded advice and guidance from God Almighty, then he went to the river Jaihun.

When the Prophet Isa A.S. Jaihun dating to the river, suddenly there was a coffin out of the middle of the river, then the Prophet Isa AS bring the chest. It turned out that inside the coffin contained the Qur'an and books of her composition Shaykh Abu al-Qasim Qusyairiy RA With the Qur'an and the books of the Prophet Isa AS begin to rebuild human civilization on the basis of the Qur'an and Sunnah or the Prophet Muhammad is also based on the Shari'a does not hold with just one sect only, but it has been guarded by God from error in establishing a law.

When the Prophet Isa A.S. want to run the rule of law, suddenly the Angel Gabriel came to him to tell about the coming of Ya’juj and Ma'juj and deliver orders from Allah Almighty to Prophet Isa AS and other Muslims who fled to the mountains thur. Sure enough, not so long Ya’juj and Ma'juj out of the nest (where they hold). The release of Ya’juj and this Ma'juj like ants out of the hole. From this earth's surface is totally damaged due to act of Ya’juj and Ma'juj.

Later in his day the Prophet Isa A.S. people is absolutely exempt from paying taxes. This differs from the opinion Qadli Yalil. Which opinion is correct? Allah knows best. And at that moment there are no pigs or wild boars roam freely, if there are pigs or wild boars that roam would be killed by the government of Prophet Isa AS Because the pig or boar is a favorite food infidels, and illicit eaten by Muslims. As a result, every case that is clearly haraam according to Al-Quran texts must be eliminated by the Prophet Isa AS Such action is to give understanding to the heathen, that what they are eating it is forbidden and vanity.

According to the opinion of the Shafi'i madhhab elected and Jumhur madhhab is obligatory to kill pigs and wild boars after a capable, though in the land of the infidels. It has also been explained by Imam Al-Nawawi in Sharh Muslim Banteni. This opinion once blaming and opposing opinions that allow raising pigs and wild boar in the land of the infidels with qayyid, as long as there is nothing to eat.

At the time of the Prophet Isa A.S. will be no different with his time of Imam Mahdi, no religion other than Islam., no one worshiped but Allah. The wicked are dead, slander has disappeared, misguidance
has vanished, no contagious diseases, no prostitution, no goods usury, no one is arguing, no one hostile to each other. Everyone felt peaceful, safe, happy and at ease, both in the mainland or in the ocean, all happy children, happy to work together and please help, no one poor, no charity, no one is drinking . So there is no disobedience.

At the time of the Prophet Isa A.S. the entire population of the heavens, the earth's population, fish in the ocean, animals in the forest, all pleasure and obedient to the commands of the Prophet Isa AS So the tigers can come together with goats, cats can live in harmony with rats, snakes hanging out with frogs, even small children playing with scorpions, centipedes and snakes do not worry about being bitten. Earth becomes infertile produced all kinds of plants that provide many blessings, again as a state time of the Prophet Adam AS Because of the blessing of plants, to the point that wine is not eaten a bunch of ten. So is a pomegranate is eaten ten people, so that the rest more than you eat.

Bright shining light of Islam everywhere, the spirit of worship is always burning in the hearts of the Muslims, so that in those days was called a golden age for the Muslims. Shaba wind (wind grace) constantly blowing cool air which is very delicious. To the extent that some people saw the bodies said: "I wish you again to feel the joy of living this life."

The atmosphere of tranquility, peace and happiness of mankind at that time duration of up to approximately 70 years.


Prophet Isa A.S. Cross will be at war as practiced by the Imam Mahdi, the army is the angels and jinn. At that time, the Islamic world also make war against unbelievers follow in the footsteps of Prophet Isa AS, and was granted victory by God. In that battle the infidels who were killed many, while they are still alive to escape and take cover behind trees and rocks. But the Prophet Isa A.S. and the Muslims have no difficulty in hunting them, every tree and stone used them to shelter to make known to the Muslims, that he used for shelter by infidels.

Overview of the battle has been described by the Prophet Muhammad in a his saying narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, as follows:

Doomsday will not happen until the Muslims fight against Jews that the Jews hide behind rocks and trees. Then said the stones and trees (to tell the Muslims): "O Muslims, is no Jew behind me, come and kill him." (Hadith Bukhari and Muslim History.)


Prophet Isa A. S. It was his son Maryam bint Imran, he was among Ulul Azmi, that is, he was included among the Apostles who is very brave heart within undergo various trials and obstacles. He was born in Bayt Lahm, a place adjacent to the Baitul Maqdis in Palestine, and was born right on Monday night on the 29th month Kaihak, namely month Qibthiy nation, or in January of the year 600 before the AH.

Prophet Isa A. S. was of medium height, black hair, white skin and have never been married since he was appointed by God to heaven from the pursuit of the Children of Israel who want to kill him.

As a sign from him the Day of Resurrection is the reduction in return of Prophet Isa AS
into this world. Prophet Jesus AS turun into this world not to spread the Christian religion, but to apply the Islamic Shariah and teachings do not condone religion other than Islam. Because at that time humanity many became followers of the Dajjal who disbelieve, so that not a little weak in the faith of the Muslims who are affected and become followers of the Dajjal. For that Prophet Isa A. S. will remind mankind that the Dajjal is pagan and heretical teachings that are brought.

Prophet Isa A. S. will rule on this earth with justice and based on shari'ah brought by Prophet Muhammad, which has many abandoned people, because many who become followers of the Dajjal. Among the objectives of the revelation of the Prophet Isa A. S. to this earth is to kill the Dajjal who has misled many people. After that Prophet Isa A.S. will settle on this earth for some time according to what is desired by Allah Ta'ala.

As for the revelation of the Prophet Isa A. S. duties he will embrace him in his mission, has been described by the Prophet Muhammad in his saying which was narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim, as follows:

"By my soul there is substance in his power, was already very close to falling when Jesus son of Mary among you all, who acted as a fair judge. He will solve all the crossbeam of the cross, kill swine, abolish taxes and time, abundant treasures, until one no one wants to accept the wherewithal to her property. To the extent that one is better than bow down to the world and what is in it. "

Then Abu Hurairah R.A. said: "Read, if you all want it" "Nothing at all groups of experts, but surely they believe in Isa before his death he was, after falling to the earth and before the arrival of doomsday. On the day of Judgement the Prophet Isa A. S. will be a witness against them all. "(Hadith Bukhari and Muslim History.)

Senin, 21 Maret 2011


In the days of Gog and Ma'juj many Muslims who are suffering, all-round life difficult and miserable, not even slightly among those who died, because it is difficult to get food and water. All the plants and the water runs out engulfed by Gog and Ma'juj. Therefore, the Muslims along with the Prophet Isa Alahissalam flee to the mountains thur to save themselves from the damage done by Gog and Ma'juj.

On the mountain, which was the Muslims in the long run too hard food, stock supplies are brought out. To come down from the mountain is not possible, next to no food on the bottom, also worried would fall prey to Gog and Ma'juj. Finally, the only way is memuhon help to Allaah. Prophet Isa Alahissalam and the Muslims then pray to God for Gog and Ma'juj destroyed.

God then granted the prayer of Prophet Isa and the Muslims are, by lowering the worm that a great deal to undermine the Gog and Ma'juj neck. Some say, God sends down on nasal disease Gog and Ma'juj. In a short time all the Gog and Ma'juj die simultaneously, there is nothing left.

In the history of the others mentioned: That the death of Gog and Ma'juj was caused raging tornado, the wind that was used to destroy the people of 'Ad. Due to the size of the wind, within an hour of Gog and Ma'juj was dead all there is nothing left.

Prophet Isa and the Muslims then thank God for His help. However the difficulties they are confronted by another, namely the number of Gog and Ma'juj carcasses scattered everywhere, let alone the number of carcasses that had rotted the smell pierced nose. Then Prophet Isa and Muslims pray to Allah for the carcasses Gog and Ma'juj was removed from the earth's surface. Not so long their prayer was granted. God sent thousands of birds the size of a camel. The birds are snatched every carcass Ma'juj Gog and not left until they run out, and the carcasses disposed of at a place desired by Allah SWT.

In the history of the others mentioned: Wreck of Gog and Ma'juj-carcasses were dumped in the ocean, and then eaten by the fish until the fish is in the oceans become fat, because it had never found the food so much meat.

Seeing the help of Allah is the prophet Isa and the Muslims say their gratitude to Him. But there are still more problems that require pleading for help and relief to God, namely the number of dung droppings left by Gog and Ma'juj, dirt is scattered everywhere, almost no place that is not tainted by Gog and Ma ' juj. For that, the Prophet Isa and the Muslims prayed again to God, pleading for help to be given the Earth's surface is clean of dirt and Ma'juj Gog. God then lowered the heavy rain once, finally in a short time the dirt is Gog and Ma'juj disappear from the earth's surface carried by rain water.

There are some mufassir said: The stench and filth Yajuj this Ma'juj new seven year could be lost.

All of the above events have been described by the Prophet Muhammad in his saying:

Then Gog and Ma'juj sent by God, they flow from high places. they advance through the ranks Tibris lake, then they drink the lake water until it runs out. Then the last row over the island there, and they say: "That here was never any water."

Prophet Isa and his kawanya besieged (by Gog and Ma'juj to lack of food), so that a head of cattle for each of them is more valuable than one hundred dinars for every person on that day.

Then the Prophet Isa and his friends prayed (so that Gog and Ma'juj perish). Then God sends them to the Gog and nasal disease Ma'juj, then in the morning they died all at once.

Furthermore, Prophet Isa and his friends came down from the hill (thur) into the country, and he found there was no spare inch of any place, but has been met by the rotting carcasses (Gog and Ma'juj). Prophet Isa and his subsequent kawanya pray to God (so that Gog and Ma'juj carcasses were omitted).

God then sent the birds the size of a camel, then was struck by the carcasses (Gog and Ma'juj) and thrown it into the desired place of God. Next God sends down rain, which did not disperse even a house made of clay dab camel hair (that can wash away all the dirt Gog and Ma'juj which still exists), then washed the earth so clean as glass.

After that, the earth was ordered: "Grow your fruits and return your blessing!" So at that moment, a group of people satisfied by eating a pomegranate, and they can shelter their skin, their food is full of blessings, so that a pregnant camel filling enough set of people.

In these circumstances, God sends the wind well and through their underarms. Hence taken the lives of each believer and every Muslim. Finally stay wicked, mixed like Khimar (meaning no shame). So it happened when his doom. (H. R. Muslims).

In addition, the life of the Muslims, the better, more secure and peaceful, happy and filled with the grace of his fortune, to the point that eating dates one is full. At the time of Prophet Isa implement sharia in managing the lives of the Prophet Muhammad Islamic society, and many pagans who converted to Islam after seeing the truth of his teachings. Everywhere seemed harmony, tranquility and peace of the people, a rare crime and persecution, that there is unity and unity in the service and worship to Allah SWT. However, this period is very brief and did not last long, only lasts as long awaited Prophet Isa Alahissalam only.


The duration of holding the government of Imam Mahdi in the world is based on the Shariah of Prophet Muhammad SAW for ten years. There is also an opinion, that the Imam Mahdi came to power in this world is seven years old. This opinion is based on the hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW who narrated by Abu Daud, which means as follows:

"Indeed the Imam Mahdi will be settled for seven years. " (H. R. Abu Daud).

After that he died in the town of Kufa. But before he died, during his life he has conducted the war against Dajjaal, held a meeting with the Prophet ISA and has led a government under the auspices of Shariah law, has brought the government in a golden age, an era full of prosperity, an era full of peace, an era filled with tranquility and the era of the all sufficiency before the apocalypse comes.


In a set of governance, the Imam Mahdi residing in Arab lands. But his rule of law can be implemented throughout the world. As for controlling the running of the government in these countries Ajam (other Arabs), Imam Mahdi appoint his deputy (a kind of governor). The deputy was taken from the people who elected and truly capable. Imam Mahdi's deputy or governor have a lot, which was taken from the Wali of Allah who Ajam nation to help the Imam Mahdi in upholding law and Islamic teachings.

At the time of Imam Mahdi is the Islamic law was implemented, there is no regulation governing the country and people other than Islamic law. has been explained in a hadith:

"Imam Mahdi was wide forehead, pointed nose. The entire contents of the earth filled him with honesty and fairness, which earlier this earth filled with kedzaliman and persecution. Imam Mahdi enforce Shari'a, and turn what has been scattered from the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad . Since then Islam became victorious and noble sentence, ie, in the reign of Imam Mahdi, so that it can be determined reign on earth. (Abu Daud).

In his time later Imam Mahdi Islamic previously considered low and despicable menjadiagama noble and exalted. People who bad behavior many died, these slanders were missing. In the midst of society there is no prostitution, no goods usury, no one is drinking wine (khamer). Heart of every person to feel peaceful, serene and accept all the provisions of God and the teachings of Islam, everywhere people look harmonious, peaceful and brothers, people who had poor can become rich, everywhere people looked prosperous life, cheap food and clothing, until alms-up was taken around to the center of the community no one wants to accept, because everyone also want to give alms. This is none other than the economy because they have more than enough.

The atmosphere of prosperity in the era of Imam Mahdi has been explained in a hadith:

Imam Mahdi blessed with provision of power, in his reign so broad is rizqi people, because it really applies in a fair and much treasure also provided. He spread the wealth once it evenly, without counting the number altogether. (H. R. Muslims).

Zaman Imam Mehdi can be regarded as the golden age for a government under Sharia law, there has never been a government of a prosperous and peaceful as such in the reign of Imam Mahdi. However, this golden age lasted only when the period of his life Imam Mahdi only. And this as a sign of the approach of the Hour Kubra (big end).

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011


After the Imam Mahdi is present in nature, before he began to perform his duty, first of all that do is bermunajat to God, asking directions, guidance and help of Allah SWT. He is happy to be alone near the Kaaba to pray and ask guidance from Allah SWT.

At one point, when he was bermunajat to God followed by 313 men. Then immediately held a meeting with the 313 lightning earlier. In the hearing he told those present: "That he has been willed by God to set human civilization by enforcing Islamic law that has been run by the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of the end times."

Then the Imam Mahdi allegiance aides and to formulate laws based on Islamic shariah brought by Prophet Muhammad and shariah will be used to organize and govern mankind.

Set finished doing sidah, Imam Mahdi went to Kufa (still including the territory of Iran). There Imam Mahdi began preparing his army for war, namely sabil war, war for defending and upholding the religion of Allah SWT not because of business or other interests.

What does the Imam Mahdi, as was done by the Companions in upholding the banner of religion and the teachings of Islam, by sabil war. Every war or battle is done by the Imam Mahdi and his followers in an attempt to defend and uphold the banner of religion and the teachings of Islam against the infidels, Allah wills it always brings success and success.

In every battle is done, besides he is guarded by the Angel Gabriel and the angel Michael, he also received reinforcements from the other angels. Reinforcements from the angels that there are huge numbers, which can reach 3,000. he is also fighting the people who violated Islamic laws that have been established and enforced.

Attacks carried out by Imam Mahdi against infidels like an eagle in the sky snaking with his dashing grab prey. many enemies who helter skelter to escape and ultimately killed. For those who are still alive and did not immediately give up, they escaped with a ran-ass and very scared like a mouse that is very scared because it met with a cat. In a very short time, all governments in this world can be controlled by the Imam Mahdi ith use of Islamic law.
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